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Call for Participation   [PDF download]

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1. What is iPRES2021 

The International Conference on Digital Preservation (https://iPRES-conference.org/), or iPRES Conference, is the premier conference series on digital preservation. Since 2004 there have been annual iPRES conferences around the globe to share their recent research, development projects, implementations, practical experiences, and to enhance collaborations within the field and across the related domains.The 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES2021, (http://ipres2021.ac.cn/), will be held at the National Science Library, in Oct 19-22, 2021, Beijing, China, and at the same time be held partially virtually online.iPRES 2021 will be co-hosted by the National Science and Technology Library (NSTL) and the National Science Library (NSL).

2. Who will benefit from iPRES2021 

Does your work heavily and indispensably dependent upon the availability of current or emerging digital information?Are you concerned or involved with the creation, distribution, use, and preservation of some types of digital information, for example but not limited to publications, archives, digital objects of museums & exhibitions, research data, social media, digital or mix news, digital learning materials, digital humanities, digital arts, digital games, CADs, VR/AR, personal or community or events digital history, etc.?Are you, or expected in the near future to be, responsible for long term preservation of some types of digital information?Are you working, or are you expected to work, on the formats, content object organizations, techniques, tools, systems, infrastructural facilities, of some types of digital information?Are you working, or are you expected to work, on the internet properties, privacy protection, sensitive data management, organizational issues, collaboration, infrastructural development, and other related issues or practices, of digital preservation?Or are you working on related areas or issues?If yes or interested, or if you are researchers, decision-makers, developers, content or tool/system providers, practitioners, PLEASE COME TO IPRES2021!

3. What you can learn at iPRES2021 

You are invited to come to contribute, share, interact, and criticize.The main theme of iPRES2021: Empowering Digital Preservation for the Enriched Digital Ecosystem

3.1 Sub-theme1: Exploring the New Horizons

New digital lifecycles, workflows, applications, etc., in all info-rich or info-supported areas.New content, formats, technologies and techniques, organizing and application methods, supporting infrastructure.New business models, issues of ownership, IP or privacy or security protection schemes, organizational mechanisms, and cross-domain relationships, etc.Specific future challenges for knowledge-heavy or heritage industries or institutions, and for society at large, communities, and private citizens.Potential use and impact, for digital preservation, of AI, cloud computing and fog/edge computing, big data, block-chain, smart workflows, etc.Society or institutional failures in preserving digital information.

3.2 Sub-theme2: Scanning the New Development

Latest developments in digital preservation tools, storage solutions, or infrastructural facilities in general.Latest developments in tools, strategies, and practices, in preservation of research data, software, social media, web content, rich or interactive or smart media, VR/AR, etc.Latest developments in file format management, identification and authenticity, secure custody, and migration, for digital preservation.Latest development for digital preservation embedding in digital lifecycles or digital workflow?Latest developments coming from unexpected stakeholders or non-traditional knowledge heritage institutions? 

3.3 Sub-theme3: Enhancing the Collaboration

Collaborate with who/where digital info is created, owned, or used.Design, cultivate, enhance, and ensure collaboration in line with changing digital workflows and changing roles and responsibilities for digital info.Design, stimulate, enhance, and ensure collaboration with changing definitions of knowledge heritage institutions.Successful experiences and lessons learned in digital preservation.Policies, mechanisms, infrastructure, workflows, and technique, etc., that would support or enhance collaborations.Measure and demonstrate the impact and efficiency of collaboration.Specific experiences in digital preservation collaboration with new content types, new digital-intensive areas, or new application scenarios.

3.4 Sub-theme4: Building the Capacity

Business & economic models to facilitate digital preservation.Development of digital preservation strategies, approaches, implementation mechanisms, cost plans, physical infrastructure, trustworthiness, and measurement of impact.Developments of policies, standards, guidelines, best practices, workflows, use cases, etc., to improve implementation & management of digital preservation.Using of existing or emerging capacity in up-stream, down-stream, or related areas of digital ecology for digital preservation capacity building.Engage and involve content creators, users, and decision-makers in digital preservation.Develop digital preservation workforce for current and future needs, in formal curricula or as on-job training or as continuing education.Ensure that our growing body of digital preservation knowledge, explicit and tacit, is easily accessible to current and future practitioners.Using open source technologies and open standards for digital preservation.

3.5 Sub-theme 5: COVID-19 and Digital Preservation

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in massive disruption to normal life, including dramatic reduction of in-person interaction and strong reliance on technology. This has led to paradigmatic changes in how people work, interact, and organize themselves digitally, which has a significant and long-lasting impact on digital preservation. iPRES2021 invite contributions that document the practice of dealing with the challenges of the pandemic and address the impact of COVID-19 on digital preservation:

Disruption brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic to current digital preservation practice, such as cost reduction, changes to workflow and collaboration models; how organizations pivoted to meet the challenges, including developments of new policies, standards, guidelines and best practices.

Developments and efforts in collecting and curating COVID-19 pandemic related information for long-term digital preservation, including any scoping, data privacy and security considerations.

Developments of new services, techniques, systems, and infrastructure that help meet challenges posed by the pandemic to digital preservation, including any opportunities that emerged in the wake of recent disruptions.

Identification and analysis of emerging or future trends in digital behaviors that will fundamentally change the digital preservation practice or require new approaches.

4. How will iPRES2021 be organized – general hybrid mode 

iPRES2021 is to be organized in a hybrid mode to (1) preserve the rich interaction of the traditional on-site iPRES conferences, (2) enable the intensive exchanges between international and local/regional digital preservation communities, and (3) take the full advantages of large scale virtual conference capabilities to accommodate those remote participants due to various constrains.Generally, domestic participants will participate on-site at Beijing, and international participates will be encouraged to attend on-site at Beijing. Some activities will be available only on-site, including those need local access and those with high and un-moderated interaction.At the same time, international participants who are unable to come to Beijing come participate online via internationally accepted platforms.Mindful of the uncertainty of the pandemic, the organizers, with the consent of iPRES Steering Committee, will not rule out the possibility that iPRES2021 be switched to online only mode in the situation then demands.

5. How will iPRES2021 be organized – timing of iPRES2021 activities 

To ensure an orderly and focused organization of the conference activities, and to accommodate participants coming from all over the world on-site and online, there will be a single set of timing of conference activities throughout iPRES2021 while arrangements will be made for playbacks for many of the conference content. 


Basic Activity Types







N/S Americas






Professional visits

On-site experiments or workshops





Professional sessions




Playbacks for  presentational  sessions

Professional sessions




Keynote sessions

Professional sessions




 Notes: “Presentational sessions” can be keynote sessions, paper sessions, and lightening talks, some of panel discussions, some of tutorial sessions. All playbacks will be in streaming mode to protect the copyrights of the presenters. Other sessions may include panel discussions, demo presentations, hackathons, poster demonstrations, and other activities requiring high interaction. The details can be seen from up-dating of the conference programs.

6 Registration fees 

A successful conference needs support from the whole community. The registration fees help cover both the on-site expenses and the online support capabilities. iPRES2021, with the consent of iPRES Steering Committee, has made a conscious decision to charge registration fees for online participants too, but at a significantly lower rate. 



Early birds







Full program










Full program without W/T






Full program










Full program without W/T





 All the playbacks can only be accessed by registered participants.

7 Important Dates 

6 Jun. 2021: All peer-reviewed paper submissions due

6 Jun. 2021: Proposals for other peer-reviewed due
01 Jun. 2021: Registration open for early birds  
Aug. 2021: All peer-reviewed contributions notified
31 Jul. 2021: Submission for Lightning Talks due
01 Sep. 2021: Registration closed for early birds and open for regular registration.  
04 Sep. 2021: Revisions due
15 Sep. 2021: Acceptance decisions notified
15 Sep. 2021: First full program
10 Oct. 2021: Final full program
19-22 Oct. 2021: Conference

8 Where to register and how to contact iPRES2021  

You can register at iPRES2021 Website: http://ipres2021.ac.cn/You can contact the Secretariat of Organization Committee at: iPRES2021@mail.las.ac.cn .You can contact the Local Organizing Committee at: Local Organizing Committee, iPRES2021National Science Library (http://english.las.cas.cn/)Chinese Academy of Sciences (http://english.cas.cn/)33 Beisihuan Xilu, Haidian DistrictBeijing, 100190, People’s Republic of China